October 29, 2011

antara pippy dan termometer

a german animal expert, dr. Hans Precht,
discovered that it is possible to get an
accurate idea of room temperature just by
looking at a way a cat sleeps.
the chart, based on his study of more than
four hundred positions, allows you to use
your pet as a living thermometer. It thus
shows that cats have an extraordinary
sensitivity to tini changes in the surrounding

dia bilang, dengan melihat posisi si meong tidur, kita bisa mengetahui berapa besar suhu ruangan.


lalu bagaimana dengan yang ini?

(note : ini pippy yang sedang tidur siang)


cahyo said...

37 derajat ini maaah

hujan said...

wkwkwkwk.... !!! sepertinya sih begitu Yo...